Who is Akamai?

Akamai is the company that you use every day without even knowing it. Akamai’s network handles over 30% of the world’s Internet traffic on a 24hr basis around the world. Here’s some statistics 240,000 servers worldwide

1700 networks
3900 locations
137 countries

Their footprint worldwide has nothing to rival it – neither by carrier, web property, or broadcaster, or any other service provider !

Akamai accelerate daily traffic of

40 million web page hits per second
2+ trillion deliveries of content per day
50+ terabits per second (yes PER second)
Akamai provide services to the world’s leading brands.

All top 50 global carriers (BT, AT+T, Level3 etc)
Over 400 banks worldwide (Rabobank, BNP Paribas)
9 of the top 10 global auto manufacturers (Audi, BMW etc)
9 of the top 10 global computer hardware manufacturers

If you are serious about Cloud Security (DDOS, WAF, DNS) or Web Performance (Content, Website, Apps, API or Global Traffic Management) there is only one partner in the world with the coverage and quality and credibility – Akamai.


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